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Emergence - Freedom from emotional eating

The EMERGENCE programme is designed to help you build the foundations to permanently change your relationship with food and yourself.

This programme will deliver permanent change, tailored to you and your unique struggles. All through we will be working together to reprogramme your brain. You will lose the emotional connection with food, allowing you to make the right choices for you on what you do and don't eat, and how much. We will change the critical inner voice so you become more comfortable in your own skin. 

All the lessons are easy to follow, and paced to run over 3 weeks, so you have enough time to try stuff out as you go along. 

When you complete a task, I will review it and give you personalised input so you can be confident you are staying on track.

What People have said

100% of people who have taken the programme would recommend it to a friend

  • The most exciting change was not binging on food, it was a relief to stop eating. The guilt has stopped too because I'm not bringing anymore. Words can't describe my gratitude.
  • Awareness of my emotions and the function of food as a safety tool. How the subconscious works was fascinating too.
  • Not feeling emotional when i eat just seeing it as fuel
  • I've stopped turning to chocolate and crisps and my portion sizes have decreased dramatically
    I feel I know the real me the one that’s been hiding and my life has stopped revolving around food ! Also I’m enjoying eating food, my self image has a much more positive out look realistic too I feel equipped
  • I feel like you have flicked a switch inside my brain. I am saying no to food,eating smaller portions(sometimes) and I am down into the next stone bracket, which is significant as I haven't seen it for a while. My evening snacking is much less. Wow just wow.


Will it really work in only 3 weeks? Yes. This is not a diet. This programme uses an understanding of how the brain works around addiction and body dysmorphia to permanently change the programming in your brain. Once a change has been made it can't be undone. All the groundwork will be done during the programme to free you up to live your life in any way you want to after. You will be unlikely to lose weight during the programme. It's afterwards, when you have the freedom to make the choices you want, that the weight will begin to come off. And once it does, as this is not a diet, it will stay off. 

What happens if I need more help with other stuff after? Sometimes there is more going on than your relationship with food and others. This may be true if you've had an eating disorder in the past, or issues arrising from an abusive childhood. In this case there will be one-to-one sessions available at the end of the programme at a significantly discounted rate. Change is always possible. 

Do I have to stop all my other programmes? Sometimes people are doing other weekly programmes such as Slimming World, Lighter Life or something else. The wonderful thing about this programme is that it works at a level below the conscious choices you make. This means you might find other programmes you are following become way easier to stick to (although you may find that you don't see the point of spending money on them any more as you progress!)

Will I need lots of time spare? The modules unlock at the start of every week. So on the day you start, you should give yourself around 30 minutes to read the content and watch the videos. For the rest of the week you task will be to observe your behaviour in your day-to-day life. The only thing that takes time is allocated 10 minutes a day to listen to the MP3 during week 2 and 3.

What to expect from this course

📚 Get rid of food as a tool to help cope with emotions. 

📚 Gain freedom to make the right choices for you on what you eat and how much

📚 Get rid of the need to meet other people's expectations of you 

📚 Clear some issues from childhood that affect your adult life

📚 Break the cycle of diet and weight gain. Never have to diet again unless you choose to change what you eat for health reasons. 

This product is for you if...

You should get this course if you :

✅ Turn to food when you are stressed or struggling

✅ Have spent your life dieting. You may have lost weight multiple times, only to put it back on when you stopped the diet. 

✅ Have never been able to look in the mirror and think "I like the way I look"

✅ Struggle to stick to a particular way of eating or healthy living for any length of time. 

✅ Feel like your lack of confidence has held you back your whole life

✅ Are tired of having to work so hard to make the right food choices your whole life.  

✅ Have often worried what people think of you

✅ Would like to buy the clothes you like without worrying if they have it in your size. 

✅ Are ready for permanent change

This product can be used alongside other diets and chamges you are making

This product is not for you if...

You are looking for a magic wand or a quick fix. This product will still require you to make the choice to eat better, exercise more etc. The difference is, that choice will be so much easier to make than it has ever been.

 ❌You are looking to lose weight quickly. This product will give you the freedom to make permanent, life-changing choices around the your relationship with food and yourself. Those changes may lead to other benefits before the weight actually comes off, such as more confidence in yourself, a lack of emotional eating and making healthier choices. In the long run, those changes will inevitably lead to weight loss - if that's what you still want. But there is unlikely to be a significant change in the first few weeks. This is for permanent, sustainably, weight management. 

❌You have a history of being anorexic. The first part of this course requires that you focus on, and observe your eating habits. This can be a negative trigger. I would advise 1-1 therapy where we can address the reasons behind your anorexia first. 

❌ If you experienced childhood sexual abuse, then this course may not be not be enough to change your relationship with your body. It can change your relationship with food, but the physical aspects could be more significant than worrying about other people's perceptions. In this situation I would advise that 1-1 therapy would be more effective

How much time will I need?

At the start of each week (7 day block) you will get some videos and a task. It will take about 30-45 minutes to go through this content when it released. You can work through it at any point on the day of release. 

Throughout the week you will fill in a daily log. This will fit around your day-to-day life so won't take any extra time. 

In week 2 and 3 you will get an MP3 to listen to. This is around 9 minutes long and should be listened to at bedtime. 

If you have any questions just email dawn@thinkitchangeit.com

4 Sections + Community

Emergence Chat

Awareness: observing your behaviours

The purpose of this week is to become aware of your emotional connection to food. It is a week of observing. This will require you to be very aware of all your actions and feelings. You may feel that you are already aware, but it's amazing the difference it can make seeing it written down in black and white. This can be really tricky, especially if what you do is often mindless. 

Don't  feel too guilty about any negative patterns you spot, they will all change after week 2. This is not about change, this about observation. 

Clearing the emotion

The purpose of this week is to change what food means and then observe the differences.

We are going to reprogramme your brain, using the connections you have observed over the last week.

Have you ever felt that eating was out of your control? It’s like there is another part of you controlling what you do? Have you ever eaten something and felt really bad afterwards, beating yourself up for not showing more control? In this module I'll help you understand why

Sorting out body image

The purpose of this week is to notice how affected you are by other people's opinions of you. 

Have you ever walked into a room and worried what people think of you? 

Let me ask that a different way. 

Do you think you are that important that when you walk into a room, everyone is thinking about you?

You probably gave me totally different answers to what is, essentially, exactly the same question.

If I put 10 people in a room, every single one of them worries what the others are thinking. None of them can read minds, and all of them have a subconscious in charge 90% of the time. They are all screwed up!

So what would happen if you were invisible? What would happen if it didn’t matter what people thought? 

Bringing it all together

Wow! Has it only been 3 weeks? It's time to stop and take stock of what has changed and start thinking about what happens next. 

Sections for this product 4
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