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I've had so much therapy, but nothing has worked. I think I'm unfixable

Hi, I'm Dawn Walton and I'm a trauma-informed Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapist and Master NLP practitioner with a Masters in Psychology. I use NLP and Neuroscience to work with you to reprogramme your brain, in a solution-focussed, talking therapy approach.  I’ve helped more than 1200 people all over the world, from ages 8 to 88. Are you ready to change? I can help you too. 

I specialise in working with trauma - particularly complex PTSD arising from childhood issues. It is an area where I have lots of personal and client experience, and I've developed a therapeutic approach that is incredibly effective. Most clients need no more than 3 sessions to be able to get on with their lives without needing ongoing therapy.

It is said the in the UK 1 in 4 people has a mental health problem. That means 3 in 4 don't. That is simply not true. We are all screwed up. Let's change the way we talk about mental health to acknowledge how normal it is to be screwed up. Maybe what we should be able to say is: "This is my screw up. It is / is not getting in the way of my life right now!"

I experienced a range of different types of childhood trauma, and have battled CPTSD my whole life, without realising it. In 2011 I attended my first session of Quest Cognitive Hypnotherapy with its founder, Trevor Silvester. From that moment my life changed. 

I am not the right therapist for you because I understand what you've been through. I am the right therapist for you because I understand what it takes to live with trauma, and I understand what it feels like to overcome it and be free and happy. 

Through my personal experiences of overcoming trauma, and my studies in Neuroscience and Psychology, I have developed a unique and powerful approach for clearing trauma. This approach does not require you to talk through your trauma, and can deliver life-changing changes in 2-3 sessions. It works exactly the same way when delivered online as in person, so it doesn't matter where in the world you are based, I can help you. 

I’m looking forward to supporting you on your journey, whether it’s via sessions with me or my online, self-paced courses. 

It’s a big decision choosing a therapist. I’m happy to chat so if you need to know more. Browse my site, message me follow me on my social media sites, or drop an email to dawn@thinkitchangeit.com. I am not a 9-5, 5 days a week therapist. I work Monday to Saturday from 9am-8pm UK time. I also email and message in between sessions to make sure you are never alone once you start your journey. 

Book a free 30 minute chat to see if I can help
Learn about The Rapid Trauma Reset

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If you've found any of my content helpful, then feel free to treat me to a coffee!

I really love hearing all the feedback I get on how my content resonates with you, either through the "We're all screwed up and that's OK" podcast, the stories, reels, videos and grid posts I share on Instagram, or the Facebook posts. I am more than happy to give you practical ideas that you can apply today. 

I am fuelled by coffee so if you fancy treating me then I would gratefully accept! Just scan the QR code, or click Buy me a coffee

1-1 Therapy for adults

You could be where you want to be, with no more sessions needed, in only 6 weeks:

  • SESSION 1 : Most of the work is done
  • SESSION 2 : Happens 2-3 weeks later.
  • SESSION 3 : Check in 4 weeks after second session.

Parent Coaching Pack

The parent coaching pack is all about resourcing you, the parent/carer, and thereby resourcing your child.

Over a period of 6-8 weeks we will work together with online sessions and email support as I help you understand your child's brain and behaviour. 

You will get tools and techniques to use to help your child and so, in the long run, you will have all the resources you need to manage any issues that come up. I will also work with your child 1-1 as part of this process

At the end of the 6-8 weeks you will get access to a wealth of online resources to support you and your child. 

1-1 Therapy for kids

You could see changes in your child in only 2 months:

  • SESSION 1 : A lot of work is done here to lay the foundation of all the change
  • SESSION 2 : Happens 2-3 weeks later.
  • SESSION 3 : Happens 4 weeks after second session.
  • SESSION 4 : Happens 4 weeks after the third session

Emergence - Freedom from emotional eating

Fed up of the diet loop and always feeling unhappy with how you look? The Emergence programme frees you up from an emotional connection to food and builds up your self-esteem - all in 3 weeks! 

"I feel like you have flicked a switch inside my brain. I am saying no to food,eating smaller portions(sometimes). My evening snacking is much less. Wow just wow."

How to avoid screwing up your kids

This course is designed for children aged 7 and under

4 simple tools to make parenting easier and your kids more resilient.

"This is really great - to the point, easy to understand and implement, not too onerous or requiring too much subject knowledge. Plain common sense actions and really works (tried some with my kids already!)"

Register your interest in the Online "Rapid Trauma Reset" workshop


Do you want to learn to apply the Rapid Trauma Reset approach with your client? Whether you work online or in person, learning this approach will allow you to clear your client's trauma in just one session. 

Register here to be get early access to online workshops and exclusive bonus content

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This is where you can access all the free resources I produce. It might be a video or a download, or even a task. This area will be dynamic so check back here often to see what new resources are available. 

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