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1-1 Therapy for adults

You could be where you want to be, with no more sessions needed, in only 6 weeks:

  • SESSION 1 : Booked when you purchase this block of therapy. The link to book the next session will be provided after the first session.
  • SESSION 2 : Happens 2-3 weeks later. It's a shorter, critical touch base session to check on progress. 
  • SESSION 3 : Check in 4 weeks after second session. Decide if another session is needed or if we need to leave it a while. 

Just click "Book Sessions" to find a slot an get started now. 

If you want a chat to see if this is right for you, click here to book a FREE 30 minute consultation

7 Sections

1-1 Sessions

It's a big decision, putting your trust in a stranger to help with something so critical - your head! Hopefully I can give you enough information here to make that decision a little easier. 


It's a big decision, putting your trust in a stranger to help with something so critical - your head! 

So don't rely on what I tell you. Read some client testimonials.

About Me

Hi My name is Dawn Walton. I'm a mother, a geek, a therapist and author. I'm also a public speaker. 

I had an abusive childhood, experiencing most forms of abuse by the time I was 18. This doesn't make me a better therapist. Your experiences are unique to you. Overcoming those experiences, getting the right help, and finding myself here and now as a happy person with a thriving business is what makes me a good therapist. Why? Because I understand the art of the possible. When you come to me you don't think you can be helped, but you hope that you can. I know 100% that together we can get you where you want to be, even if I don't know how at the start. 

I take a glowing ember of hope, and teach you how to make it into a roaring fire that you can keep burning without me. 

All I need is for you to think "What if it's possible that Dawn can help me?", take the first step, and leave the rest to me

We're all screwed up - including me. But we function amazingly well despite this. Don't forget that. 

Try before you buy

This is a chance to understand how I can help you in so few sessions. It's also a chance to try it for yourself to see how easy it is to change the wiring in your brain

Blog Posts

Go here to see all of my blog posts 


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Book sessions (£200)

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